Do you have a desire that is not yet realized? Are you experiencing confusion around a given subject? Are you afraid you'll get something you don't want? If so, then here's how you can benefit from doing a Law of Attraction T-Tool TM:
1. Pick a subject that you want clarity about or want to feel better about. Be creative in your subject title. Instead of calling it "My Ideal Client" try something like: "Clients I have the most fun working with" or "This type of client knocks my sock off!"
2. Using a blank sheet of paper, draw a large letter "T" on the page. Label the left column, "I don't like..." and the right column, "I do like..."
3. Begin on the left side, by asking yourself: What don't I like in regard to this subject? Think of as may things as you can. Don't stop at two or three--aim for 20 items or more. This will remove low frequency vibrations that slow down or block you from receiving what you DO like.
4. Now, take each item and ask yourself, "If I don't like this, what DO I like?" And write your answer using the BEST words you can find.
Take a look at your T-Tool TM. Is there something in either column that is too general or could be interpreted in different ways? If your terminology is confusing to someone else, the Law of Attraction will be confused too. Ask yourself, "Is this specific enough?" And see if you can do a Mini T-Tool TM. Doing several Minis will give you even MORE clarity.
Be Blessed Family!