You see dreams just don't come to pass when you sit around and wait for things to happen. No, you have to be proactive in terms of dexterity and use the hands God gave you, and the Words he put in your mouth. You have the power to harness the gift that is in you. Whether your gift was tainted by others when you were young or hindered by vices when you became an Adult. It doesn't matter where you are at this point of your life. You have the know how to get it done. You have the essence of Kings and Queens inside of you, and once you realize that you are worthy of goodness and better circumstance in life, then you can basically do anything.
Understand, the way that your life turns out depends on what you do. Your experiences are just opportunites that allow you to be more of a complete person. How you deal with your experiences, dictates how long it will take you to get to your dreams. Now is the time to align yourself with your inner voice, with the greatness inside you. When you align, you are actually working your faith in the most basic form. It is your silent testimony speaking out from the essence of you. In these moments, you are saying that you acknowledge God and who he is, and that you Believe that your faith will form into the substance of your dreams. Know that you can do anything if you work and believe. So take heart and know that your are important and let noone tell you otherwise.
This is the essence of what my author is trying to say in her interview about Crimes against Women and Children. This is important to me because i believe that dreams come in different forms. Those that hinder have a propensity not to help bring your dreams into fruition. But those who see the Vision, are more than willing to help you.
Please Take time to listen and may you be Blessed in all your endeavors.