Though we know all that what glitters isn’t always gold, we continue to look for the shiny wrapper anyway. We ponder about looking for just the right angle, just the right sign and avoid what we HOPE is the wrong direction.
* So what happens when the ugly, dirty, messy wrapped item shows up in your virtual gift basket?
* Why do we immediately throw it away or laugh as though it is some kind of joke?
* What if the messy gift was the man a woman always prayed for but he’s a mechanic instead of a doctor?
* How about if the 5 bedroom home a man always wanted for his family was ready and waiting but needed $10 - $15,000 worth of work to be livable?
* What if the dream job you asked for was in some place like Siberia?
* How could anyone expect us to look at the ill wrapped, dirty, ugly things in life as gifts instead of burdens that will create more work for us during our season of fruitlessness?
It is all about perception. Your gift will come but it is up to you to recognize it. Know that perception is quite often skewed by our emotional intelligence as it pertains to emotional maturity and overall willingness to adapt to informed realities. And certainly, if our mind is not in alignment with our eyesight, everything we are meant to know can be lost in the translation. The vision must be 20/20 in order for you to win 100/100!
The truth is there IS no season of fruitlessness. We simply need to understand the value of all fruit even if it seems to be dried up and useless. Many think of themselves as that dried fruit. These are the people who feel their season has long passed them by. They lack the motivation for change because they feel their goals are either no longer relevant, obtainable or they are too late to bother chasing them.
Dreams, goals and desires are never meant to be given up on. They still exist whether you chase them or someone else does – whether you are stuck or moving full speed ahead. To give them life, one could compare them to the dried seeds of a green pepper. For months they sit in seed packs shipping from here to there much like your life going to and fro with dry periods but still moving along. Eventually, those seeds make it to market and someone decides to plant them. They are planted in the soil, fertilized and watered. The dream to become a green pepper is now restored. You too can restore your dreams. Your soil needs to be re-fertilized; therefore, you must up your skill set. You need to get to market, so find the best place to market your new skills, abilities or product and build your brand. You need water to grow. Pour on the charm, drive and love for yourself knowing that you are growing, changing and creating your own custom made harvest.
A goal or dream is only as good as the soil it starts in. Whether your soil is dry today or not, YOU are the good soil and from that it is time to plant your harvest.
Written by: Aleasa Word
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