Without this, all dreams, hopes, wishes and well intentioned goals will cease to exist or put it simply, never come into fruition. All desires must begin their journey into manifestation somewhere. All things already exist, but you must accept them, or go get them (put in the work). You must actively allow results to happen.
Take action, and get what it is you want.
Use the Potential energy, and take the steps to convert into Kinetic Energy. Start and the path to success will unfold in front of you as you walk upon it. The pathway will continue as long as you wish to travel, but you must take that first step. Desire all you want, but without actually doing something about it, the reality will never manifest itself in front of you, and remain a wistful keepsake stuffed under the bed in a box.
Take action, start, and your path will reveal itself to you.
Manifest it by taking action.
Be Blessed Family!